The future of poverty in South Africa

The future of poverty in South Africa

South Africa is characterised by deep poverty and persistent inequality. While the country has made some progress in reducing poverty in the post-apartheid period, it has been much less successful in tackling resource inequalities. Goran Therborn ((Therborn, 2013;...
Decent living standard is possible 

Decent living standard is possible 

In South Africa, each person has a constitutional right to live a life of dignity, a right to access to food and shelter, and basic services such as water, electricity and proper sanitation. An impartial research on poverty and inequality conducted by the Studies in...
Long live the living wage

Long live the living wage

This one goes out to the trade unionists and anyone else who understands that what few gains the working class have made, they have made through struggle and not through the kindness of the government, state or business. The expression, “the king is dead, long live...